Online Resources

While not technically gear, a lot of time is spent researching for a thru hike. From permits to resupply, what gear works and doesn’t to just watching/reading other people attempt a thru hike. So this page is devoted to the online sources I utilized. I do not get any kickbacks for listing these sites, they are just sources that I’ve found myself returning to again and again.


The first place to go is the Pacific Crest Association’s website. Information about the trail, permits, conditions and closures. Go here first.

Postholer is another one that is most notable for current snow conditions along the entire trail. The online maps with current snow water equivalents is a tech head’s dream.

Halfway Anywhere is a great source for statistics of previous hikers. His annual survey covers gear, food, resupply, costs, success rates etc. And each year seems to get more detailed.

Halfmile’s PCT notes are very detailed. They include trail mileage, water sources, resupply details, road crossings, elevation and map pages (if you’re using the National Geographic maps). I’ll be downloading these to my phone to use in conjunction with Guthooks.


YouTube has quite a few sources of information and travelogues. A couple of noteworthy ones are Dixie’s Homemade Wanderlust and IB TAT. Dixie has a great online persona, gives lots of good info and great video skills. Among other things, she completed the PCT in a big snow year, 2017. Jeff marches to a different drummer and isn’t afraid to cuss and completed the PCT in another big snow year, 2019. Marie-Pier Tremblay has a series of videos on how not to quit a thru hike. I highly recommend watching them. Restless Kiwi has a more technical video series about the Sierras. She completed her hike in the heavy year of 2019


HikerBeta is the guy that convinced me that starting in March is a good idea, for a multitude of reasons. He completed his thru hike in the heavy snow year of 2017, which included going through the Sierra’s in May. Great photos!