Unintended Diaries

T minus 3 days, mile: 0

We all speak out to the world, scream out what is on our mind, whether we consciously do it or not. For some, it’s blatenly in your face like tattoo’s or hair color or dress. For others, it’s signs like those we’re about to see due to the upcoming election, or more subtley like bumper stickers. Or how about the words/pictures that your co-worker displays in their workspace. They all tell a story, like a diary. Sometimes, diaries are kept secret, locked away for survivors/beneficieries to find. Other times, they’re broadcast to the world. Or yet again, they’re there, hidden in plain sight. Just waiting to be read. You might just have to slow down, shut your mouth, and squint a little bit. There’s a lot of “reading” to be had in this world.

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