Day 14, Still Marching

Day 14, 3/30/20, mile: 137

It was dog-damned cold again last night. The weather that came in dropped a few raindrops and sleet, but then parted, but the cold air remained. We didn’t stay up long.

Cannonball and I roomed in the Beaver 31 RV. It had no power or water, but it was a roof and out of the wind. Still got cold, though. Right after sunrise, the outside air temp rose dramatically, meanwhile the RV was a frosty beaver. Spirit made some extra pancakes for us, and we all enjoyed some morning conversations over the rest of our breakfasts. I’m looking forward to seeing Spirit at VVR later this trip.

The trail didn’t have as many ups and downs today, more gradual climbs. We left the scenic rocky stuff and were back into desert scrub. It was sunny all day, with a mild breeze, and the temps climbed as we descended the mountains through the day. Water was more scarce again. Cannonball and Pipi Longstocking decided to add a few miles, while Matthew and I chose to keep it at 10-ish and camp at the water tank with the most gorgeous water. I made a concerted effort to eat more and more often today. Despite the heat and only consuming 2L of water, I didnt suffer like yesterday. I gotta feed the body as well as the mind.

This little oasis is full of cottonwoods, frogs, insects buzzing about, and morning doves (I think) hooting away at each other. Since I arrived early, I took the liberty to hang all of my clothes in the sun and breeze as well as clean myself a little. I’m kinda jonesing for a shower and laundry.

I’ve always had a problem with earworms, especially riding my motorcycle to work. The last song on my clock radio will just be on repeat the entire time in my head. I’m discovering the same issue out here. Today’s earworm was Paula Abdul’s ‘Straight Up’. Why oh why?

1 thought on “Day 14, Still Marching

  1. Ranger says:

    PCTA reminder

    Temporarily Disabled Website Features
    Due to COVID-19, we have taken down our trail closures, trail conditions and Journalist pages. We want to emphasize that you should stay at home and we do not support people backpacking on the trail. Please read our COVID-19 statement.

    you will never make it to VVR this year dude…but hike on and be safe

    Soon some ranger will come after you to tell you to go home or there will be a sign telling you the trail is close..until that moment come…take care of yourself and your hiking buddies


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