Day 57: Into The Hills Again

5/12/20, mile: 542, elevation: 4,869 ft.

The night hiking is peaceful. The lack of lighting diminishes the long distance views, so you don’t fret so much about the number of miles you need to go. First stop today is the water source (direct from the L.A. aquaduct) in about 7 miles. Along the way, I start finding campsites from the others who passed me last night/this morning. The sunrise over the valley and the lights of Lancaster in the distance have a peaceful hue to them, the crunch of the sand and gravel beneath my feet a familiar crunch. And I walk. We’re heading towards wind turbines, and then turn north finally…which means we’re also climbing in elevation. Soon after the sun is up, I pass by Lamb Chop who is enjoying her coffee at camp. The water is only a couple of miles away now, so off I go. I want breakfast.

At the L.A. water faucet, I see Safety’s tent in the wash and the couple from Finland (I call them The Fins) on the other side. They’re in a rush to make miles due to their visa deadline. I wish them the best and hope they don’t over exert themselves. I get water, make some breakfast and generally take a longer break. Safety awakes and we talk about the night and the upcoming day. I take off and head into the wind turbine farm….and the winds. This cold front that is passing through has really kicked up the winds and the clouds rolling over the hills from Tehachapi are not encouraging.

I need another break out of the wind and find it behind a bush. I snack, rest and just generally still don’t feel my jovial self. I’m still tired. While sittin’ here, The Fins and Safety pass me by. For the next 10 minutes, I can still see them as they slowly march up the rolling hills towards the mountains we’ll be climbing the next two days. Uggh.

I finally get the energy to head into the wind and hills, though my energy is getting sapped. My shirt is well ventilated for summer hiking, which makes it too cool in this weather. Nothing to do about it but eat more and keep walking. I finally make the campsite and next water source soon after noon. Safety and The Fins are there eating there food. After I eat mine, I start scoping a spot to put my tent. I don’t have the energy to continue today. I’m exhausted still, and there are a lot of climbs coming up. Cool air and winds still don’t keep the sun off of you.

I set up my tent and climb inside. I start reading my Kindle (East of Eden by Steinbeck) and quickly fall asleep. Those that know me know that I don’t nap easily or often. I really needed this. Until I was awoken by tickling, that is. My tent in the sun became a hot box. My sweat drenched my sleeping bag and tickled my armpits as I lied there. Kind of funny in a way. I climb out and go back to where the others are and find that Lamb Chop has arrived, and soon enough Waft shows up. Safety has decided to stay the night as well, and then in come the Tuna Farts. It’s like the whole Wee Vill Tramily is back together for a night.

I start to get chilled in the wind as the sun drops, so I retreat to my tent around 4pm. I eat some more, drink some water with electrolyte’s then pull out the Kindle again. Despite the nap, I get sleepy again within two hours. It feels good to rest. The wind goes on through the night, but my location is mostly protected, so it doesn’t really bother me.

Tomorrow is the day of climbing. I’ll need this rest.

Savior out.

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