Finish Him!

So I arrived here in Leavenworth, WA on Monday 9/21. My plan to rest for a day and get back on trail on Wednesday were dashed when I learned my package of warm clothes, good rain gear and addition battery bank was not here….with heavy rain predicted to hammer the area coming. Soooooo, I hunkered down and hoped the package would make it. Instead, I got to buy sub-standard and overpriced stuff here in a tourist town. The upside is that I missed a couple of days of rain hiking, got to camel up on town food and beer, and reunite with other hikers as they rolled in to town. But I was also saddened to see my hiker friends move on without me.

I’ve got about 210 trail miles left to make the Canadian border (plus backtracking 30 miles to the nearest road) to finish this sojourn. The food box I shipped from on Tuesday has already made it to Stehekin (107 trail miles away), which is my last resupply. I plan to arrive there next Wednesday, then continuing north to the border, hoping to arrive around 10/5.

The current rainy weather is giving way to a high pressure system that looks to bring an Indian summer to the region in perfect synchronicity with my schedule. As typical for me, I’m anxious and melancholy about leaving town. And more importantly, about this whole thing ending.

From here until I’m off trail, I’ll be without cellular/internet service. But you can follow the tracker as I tackle this last section.

Savior out.

9 thoughts on “Finish Him!

  1. Steve Garland says:

    As Leslie Nielsen said in the movie “Airplane” -GOOD LUCK, WE’RE ALL COUNTING ON YOU! We’re reading your updates and enjoying the vicarious thrill of hearing your exploits. Will also be glad when you get home- other than the sound of Peter’s drumming, the neighborhood is far too quiet!

  2. Pete K says:

    Sorry to hear about all your setbacks Ron, we wish you better luck on the next leg.

  3. Josh Standley says:

    So cool to see you in Packwood, Ron! We are the ones with the dog and the racecar! Glad to hear you are still doing well! Keep on keeping on and Godspeed!

  4. D. R. McClellan says:

    Just a few more miles… I hope you’ve been looking up at night. It’s my understanding there is a solar event producing good aurora in your neck of the woods. Looking forward to lots of stories when you get back home! — Don

  5. Mia says:

    What a journey, in so many ways, and you’re almost there. Going to raise a celebratory glass when your blue dot reaches that border – Cheers!

  6. Bruce Jones says:

    Hang in there Ron. Sometimes the Lord protects us in ways we don’t see.. Good luck on the last leg of the trip.

  7. Lantern says:

    Congratulations on reaching the end of the PCT journey today and embarking upon the next journey wherever it may take you! I’ve been following you since the beginning of your journey and living the dream thru your footsteps. It would have been nice to meet you out on the PCT this year (I was permitted for a nobo but the pandemic and other significant personal events this year changed my plans…as life does sometimes). It was fun to get to follow you and feel a little bit like I was on the trail too. Congratulations again on your epic journey!

  8. Arthur Doppler says:

    Ron, congratulations, you really did…Ist amazing, absolutely great, congrats again
    I sent you an email, you can answer when time allow…
    Safe way back home,


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