Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

T minus 4 days, mile: 0

Well it seems the only thing that has gone to plan in the last couple of days is getting home safely from work yesterday (3/12). The coronavirus is disrupting a lot of people’s travel plans, fear mongering amongst thru hikers is spiking, and the weather has just did a 180.

I still plan to start on 3/17, but I did cancel my bon voyage party this weekend. I didn’t want to take the chance of picking up the virus and then have it hit me in the middle of my first week of the trail. Which, it turns out, will be colder than average and will include rain and snow. Sooooo, I’m adapting my clothes and sleeping bag to deal with the cold. No change needed for my rain gear.

3 thoughts on “Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

  1. Patty Upton says:

    Wishing you all the best on your journey, both geographical and personal. I hope it brings you to a better place. You are a pretty awesome guy as-is. I admire your ambition, motivation and energy to take this on for self betterment which we both know will lead to your being an even more awesome husband, dad and nephew. Safe travels my friend.

  2. George Hicks says:

    Good luck to you Ron! I appreciate thew chance to track your journey. If you find any good hunting spots, be sure and send me the coordinates!! Be safe and have the time of your life.

  3. Pete & Sunny says:

    Safe travels good friend sorry we didn’t get to say good by but then again we are seniors and under house arrest according to our governor.


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