Back On Trail: Back To Work?

4/2/20, mile: 159.8, elevation: 6,320ft

Weather deadline, time crunch to shop, pack and ship, make travel arrangements, morning alarm…This seems an awful lot like work. And then there’s the whole trail covered in snow and treacherous conditions (supposedly), and no I didn’t sleep well. Leftover pizza for breakfast (and some to take on the trail, too), last minute packing and cleaning the room and then it was off I go back to the Paradise Valley Cafe (thanks to trail angel Grumpy for the ride again).

If my timing is right, the recent warm weather will have removed a lot of snow on the trail, yet by the time I get there the drop in temps will extend the frozen time to allow more time to pass safely with the crampons and ice axe. Slushy snow on exposed slopes is a recipe for disaster. The trail will go up to around 9,000-ft, or I could the summit route and top out at 10k. The snow will be firmer there, for sure (a lot of east and north facing slopes).

I was back on the trail by 0930, and I knew it was going to be a warm one. And the trail just contines to climb (2,400 feet so far over 8 miles).

I met two parents and their adult daughter taking their two dogs for a walk on the trail. I had a great conversation with them, and they really lifted my spirits. I forget your names, but thank you.

So my hike today was just a long slog to set me up for the crap that’s been worrying me. And then there’s the scarcity of water. There are some more long stretches of no water (10-15 miles) unless I get lucky and find some small rivulet or pond). Having USGS maps on my phone along with the Guthooks app has made some of these things easier.

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