This has been an interesting hike for the last week. I’ve hike fast, made good miles and have kept ahead of the fires chasing me north (higher power willing….). I’ve been focused on making the miles, doing 20’s when I’m leaving towns and/or resupplying, and 25’s when I’m on a “run”. Even here in Washington where the terrain is getting more sloped again.
Buuuut….the night before White’s Pass, my Garmin inreach gps tracker died. Won’t charge, won’t boot up. Then the trail provides. I caught up with Jellybean, Joyride and Snack Size (who happens to be ending her hike at White Pass). She offered me her Garmin to use since she’s getting off. Soooo, I got off trail at Packwood, WA to deal with the logistics and hang with my new friends. It’s taken a lot of online support help to transfer her device to my account and then the time to make sure it works. Meanwhile, there’s the walk to get town food and try to fill up the reserves (not likely…).
The stress of all of this drove me crazy and my friends weren’t looking forward to hiking in the nasty smoke that has indundated the pacific northwet (mis-spelling intentional). Soooo, we hemmed and hawed this morning and decided to stay another day. I got the Garmin working (Dog I hope so….) and we had more town food. It’s been restful and the comradarie is good. I haven’t actually participated in a trail family to date, so this is a new experience.
Tomorrow we hit the trail. We’ve got 100 miles to the next resupply at Snoqualamie Pass. We’re aiming for 20-25 mile days. The weather is supposed to change early this next week, hopefully blowing the smoke away and maybe even bring some rain (double-edged sword there).
So, my plan is the same but the schedule has been stretched 2 days. I aim to be in Leavenworth, WA by 9/21 to reevaluate the rest of the trip and resupply. Hiking with a crew will be a new experience, but maybe we can help each other stay focused and get there. Winter-is-a comin’!
Savior out.

Good luck my good friend, our air pollution has been ranging from about 70 to 180 just heard on the news that Portland is at 200 and it basically unsafe to breath. The rain should get to you late Sunday into Monday. Stay Safe.
Sorry Ron I made a big mistake, Portland is at 800 not 200 on the pollution.
Thank you for allowing me on your journey via this blog! I was the trail angel from scissors crossing-Julian. HYOH… Best of Luck!
Glad you are staying safe!!!
Hi Ron,really hope your lungs are holding up okay. It has really been crappy the last two weeks with only about 2 good breathing days outside, hope your having some better days in Washington but I seriously doubt it. Take care and stay safe.
Pete & Larry says Hi
I’m glad to see you’re in town today. I know there is still a fire out in front of you. We’re all rootin’ for you, but stay safe my friend!