4/10/20, mile: 210 (Palm Springs)
I knew this day was coming. While planning this adventure, I considered this happening, and more importantly how I’d handle it. I just can’t believe this time is actually NOW.

My friends and family have been very supportive of me during this journey, both while on the trail as well as everything that has led up to me getting on the trail on March 17. I’ve been overwhelmed with the support and well wishes I’ve recieved from all of you, as well. And to all of the people that I’ve met on the trail, thank you. Your kindness during this Covid crisis is truly amazing and inspiring.
So, what happened? Like many big changes, it occurred slowly over time. I came to the realization that there are some things in life that are out of my control and I was taking things personally. It’s not my playfield, not my ball and certainly not my rules. So do you stay in the game, or go find another sport to play?
I’m at a stage in my life where I can unchain myself from the bindings that have held me down, especially for the last 10 years. I’m no longer going to tolerate being treated differently, ignored and not appreciated. And I’m certainly not going to kiss ass to “fit in”. The toxicity was affecting my physical and mental health, and it also trickled down to my family.
My talents, energy and experience should be utilized, not hog-tied. Like starting this trail, it can only begin by taking that first step.
Savior out.

Good one Ron and I kind of figured there was more than one line plus you would never leave a hiking stick there. Safe travels my friend should be doing better after those words and another re-charge.
Wow, Mark just showed me your blog this morning, haven’t been able to stop reading, like a good book you can’t put down. Really enjoying reading about your adventures, and being surrounded by the little gifts and reminders of the goodness in this world, what I call “the constant things in life”. Thanks for taking us along on your journey, keep on writing and trekking!
Congrats, Ron. Lots of reading to catch up on. Live your life to the fullest! You will never regret it.
Truly freeing!! Being held in a toxic relationship be it work, family or love interest will eventually kill your soul if you remain.
Good to hear ma dood. Hope you’re doing well man.
Hey Ron,
Congratulations on following your inner GPS! What a pleasant surprise to discover that you were a short walk from my Palm Springs pad, great visit! Good luck with the journey, PCT and beyond.
Cheers, 🙏🏻
Hey Ron,
Glad to hear your back at it again. Saw Sarah and Bryce today they did some shopping for us. Hope that knee holds out so you can get a lot more miles out it some talk of possible weather inbound but time will tell. Stay safe good friend.