Day 39: Snow Trudge

4/24/20, mile: 367, elevation: 7,900 ft.

My Dog am I dry. I didn’t sleep well, my lips are chapped and chalky, and I don’t get morning coffee. Today is about getting close to Highway 2 so I can walk into Wrightwood for resupply and a zero. Pippi left camp first, desperate for water as well.

The first patch of snow I came to was a mandatory stop…my eyes glazed over. I gathered enough to get about a liter once melted, and damn did that taste good. It helped, but I also needed to keep moving. It’s still warm and exposed, so the higher I go the more likely it will get cooler and get more shade (as well as snow). I finally caught up to Pippi as she was resting and making travel arrangements for going home. She’s a great person to spend time with and will be greatly missed by me. I took time to collect water, rest and eat before heading off.

And then the snow started in earnest. Slushy and covering the trail, it was time for wet feet and slow going. It really was kind of a bummer, being tired and dehydrated didn’t help. But we all wanted to get to camp to stage for town day tomorrow. The day just seemed to drag on, snow scattered everywhere, and I just wanted the day over. I started to get a little excited when I got within 2 miles, and even more so when I arrived and saw we had picnic tables available (small pleasures on trail!). Gunner was there already and we hung out and talked a bit before setting up our tents and cooked our food. Just before sunset, Pippi and Doug arrived. We socialized a bit, talked about our plans for the morning, and then went to bed.

I have 5 packages waiting at the Post Office, and they have limited hours on Saturday, but it should be an easy downhill walk on the road.

Savior out

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