Day 53: 500 Miles!

5/8/20, mile: 508, elevation: 4,856 ft.

That lovely camping spot I “discovered” afforded a great morning sunrise, which also helps to get on the trail early. I’m getting motivated to get moving, ’cause tomorrow I’m getting off the trail to celebrate my birthday and retirement. Light pack and nice morning weather is all I need to fuel that fire.

Shortly after hitting the trail, it’s another milestone: 500 miles! That’s 2.6078e-11 Parsecs to some of you. These hundred mile milestones seem to be coming quicker and easier. I know I shouldn’t say it out loud, it’ll bite me in the ass soon enough.

This section of trail is so wonderful! Lots of trees for cover, a light breeze and an easy slope along the ridgetop. Soon enough, the smaller trees and shrubs give way to large oaks. This area looks like it suffered a burn years ago, but has been cleaned out of the debris and the overgrowth on the forest floor. It provides for long views in the forest with mottled shade. By middafternoon, I’m really pumped up with my speed. I’m going fast enough now that I could make it all the way to the valley floor to camp (making tomorrow’s hike shorter), but I really like this area. Plus, lower down and closer to roads means more people. With that in mind, I take a long afternoon break to make a lunch and make a phone call. I am really on a high right now, it’s just so wonderful to be right here, right now. I am truly not wanting for anything. In the middle of my lunch, Gunner comes by. I’m still on the phone, so we don’t chat, but he looks like a man on a mission.

A couple of miles later, I get to camp and just veg out on a picnic table. Nope, Gunner kept going. I drink some water, then decide to “make” more at the spring down the steep canyon. Cool clear water is such a luxory out here. Safety shows up and we chit-chat a bit, then go about setting up our respective camps (I cowboy camped again). Two guys not wearing much gear come up the hill heading southbound. Turns out they’re trail runners heading to Agua Dulce during the full moon….tonight! That’s like 65 miles in 8-ish hours. My Dog that’s impressive.

After hitting the hay, I’m awakened by trail noise (hikers make distintive foot noises on the trail). I roll over and see headlamps, they’re looking for the campsite. I give verbal directions, get blinded, and then realize it’s Waft with Mr. and Mrs. Tuna Farts! They bombed out a late hike trying to get closer to the next resupply on the Mojave Desert valley floor.

Tomorrow is another big milestone!

Savior out.

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