Days 40 & 41: Wrightwood

4/25/20-4/26/20, mile: 369

There was a little more snow on the couple of miles we had to walk before getting on the road to Wrightwood. From there, the road walk felt like we were in some apocolypse movie. No cars (road closed) and no people out, even for a Saturday. All we needed were some guns slung over our shoulders to complete the ensemble.

Roadwalks suck. They’re boring, they’re tough on the feet, and they’re boring. During a normal year, this road would be open and there are plenty of locals willing to pick up hikers heading to town. We went to the Post Office first before trying to get a hold of our potential lodging for the night. While walking through the parking lot, Dock rolled down his car window and asked if we needed lodging for the night. Turns out, he’s a “butler” at the Bud Pharm.

This place allows hikers to crash on the property, use the shower and laundry, provide rides to towns for shopping, and even invite the hikers to join in a communal dinner. They only take donations. So, I get my packages, Gunner and I pile into Dock’s car and off we go to Phelan for afteroon snacks and beer before heading to Bud Pharm to unwind.

I can only describe this place as like a buddy’s house in the desert where everyone just kind of chills out, goes through their gear, eat food, drink beer and smoke weed (there’s no pressure to buy or smoke). Different people (besides hikers) come and go. The dogs roam freely, and sometime even Apple Jacks the mule. Throw in the hiker trash, and this is one very diverse group of people.

And that is the end of a 15-day stretch of walking for me. My zero day included doing laundry, buying more food, and re-organizing my food supply and making boxes to ship ahead. And I almost had a nap, but the tent was too warm. The next hiking segment has a very tough climb with deep snow to summit Mount Baden-Powell, and then ridge walking on snow. Oh joy.

Savior out.

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