Personal Safety Concerns

I’ve been riding motorcycles for a little while now. Most miles have been accumulated while commuting to work. But the “real” riding has been dirt bikes and larger adventure bikes. I’ve had many races and group rides on dirt bikes, and have spent quite a few days and nights riding by myself in the mountains and deserts of California and Nevada. In all of the miles and rides, there have a few accidents, co-payments and hospital visits; some worse than others. Broken collarbone after hitting a downed tree on my way to work, shattered wrist after the throttle got stuck WFO, torn ACL after hitting a bear, sprained ankle tripping over a stump (while taking a picture on a solo ride), cracked rib tipping over at a standstill, and the mild compression fracture and muscle strain after launching off of a sand dune (worse pain I have EVER felt). Yes, I like omelettes.

So when I read the Facebook page or other blogs of future hikers who have friends and family overly concerned about personal safety while they take on a thru-hike, I kind of chuckle. My friends and family haven’t mentioned anything. I mean, I’ll finally be going on an adventure WITHOUT a motorcycle. Apparently, walking in the woods and mountains doesn’t seem nearly as dangerous. There is one demographic of my friends that have expressed concern and asked me if I’m going to carry a firearm….hunters. Short answer? No, too heavy.

So my advice to future hikers? Take up a hobby/sport that freaks your friends and family out. Thus, when you finally propose a thru-hike, it will seem like a safer compromise.

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