Quick Update

I survived the San Jacinto traverse. My Dog what an experience. I think I’m the last one to get off the mountain before the storm. The wind, rain and clouds have been chasing me down the mountain all day. I’m currently about 6 or so trail miles from the I-10 crossing near Cabazon (no way in hell I’m pushing that today). Tomorrow morning I’ll arrange transportation to Banning to get a room and get some badly needed rest for a few days. Detailed posts to come

4 thoughts on “Quick Update

  1. Ken Swenson says:

    Ron, that’s looks like alot of zig-zag trails to traverse and alot of rocky rough terrain. Enjoy your reststop! Well deserved!

  2. Marcie Bodeaux says:

    Hi Ron, Hi Ken Swenson!! This is quite the journey! Glad you landed in Palm Springs instead of Banning! And only a half mile from my condo. See you soon, at a safe distance of course!! Congratulations!!

  3. Chris says:

    You are doing great Ron!! Please keep on hiking and posting!! In Europe countries are already planning the end of the lockdown and the first steps back to normal life. So I hope in a few weeks Corona will not be a major topic anymore. All the best and stay safe!


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